Purity is as purity does. Our new memory verse is Matthew 5:8. Peter agrees that purity in our life is important. In 2 Pet. 1:5, in the list we have commonly called “the Christian graces,” Peter says that we must give diligence to add ‘virtue’ to our faith.
- Virtue is defined as sound moral goodness or intrinsic excellence. It is often applied to God with his perfection. The exhortation for us to imitate God takes on new meaning when we apply the idea of intrinsic (built in to our character) goodness.
- While there are other Greek words that have specific meaning of purity, this one contains an idea that I wanted to suggest to your thinking. Vine says this word “properly denotes whatever procures preeminent estimation for a person…” That is, this trait, in us, should draw to us the highest estimation of character from those who see and know us. It is a word that implies such purity and nobility of character that others draw a conclusion of our virtue.
- A good lesson to learn here is that we always have a good influence that others are receiving. Sometimes, we do not even know those who are watching, but with virtue in our lives, we have the opportunity to influence them positively for Christ.
- In addition, Peter points out that the failure to add this trait to our character will cause us to lose our souls. So, brothers and sisters, let’s concentrate on moral excellence.
- Purity is as purity does.