The Compassion of Barzillai
Good morning everyone. Compassion makes a difference. I want to take our lesson this morning from 2 Sam. 17:27-29. This is the first record that we have of the man named Barzillai. His record is finished in 2 Sam. 19:31-38. In this context, King David is at war with his rebellious son, Absalom. David and his small army of loyal servants had fled from Jerusalem because of the attempted coup by Absalom. They had been in the field for a little while. Barzillai, a loyal citizen of David’s kingdom, heard where the army was encamped. Being a rich man, he and a couple of his neighbors took many provisions to them. It was because “The people are hungry, and weary, and thirsty, in the wilderness.”
Here is our brief lesson on this matter. Because they knew the circumstances, they understood the need of David and his army. Their compassion moved them to help. Brothers and sisters, we hear many things every day of some difficult or, maybe, tragic circumstances that strike some family in our community. Let us pay attention and be aware. In some of those situations, we can be of help. It will be unexpected as was the help of Barzillai, but it will be appreciated. Not only will the help be appreciated, but there will be an emotional burden also lifted from the suffering. Perhaps we may open a door to the Lord. In any case, our compassion will have found expression. Let’s be aware.