“Truth fears no questions”
One of the interesting passages that has broad application to many things in James 1:19. I particularly want to focus on the phrase, “be slow to speak.” Human beings, for various motivations have a tendency to lie. Surely it is not true, as some psychiatrists have said, that everyone lies at least three times a day in word or act. I am convinced that many outside of Christ give very little thought to the untruthful statements they make. I am equally convinced that Christians and others tell lies because they speak so quickly and without sufficient thought. If we were slow to speak, our speech may be more honest. Most of us have a drive within us to: please people; be approved; avoid conflict; garner praise; support friends or family; gain position, wealth or influence. These drives (not wrong within themselves) often cause us to speak quickly: That looks nice; I didn’t do it. It was my idea; I don’t believe he did it; I agree. On and on the list could go of the types of statements we sometimes offer without sufficient thought about their veracity. In his excellent book, Allen Webster includes a list of possible ways we may lie or be involved in a lie. Consider this list and let’s plan to avoid all lies altogether.
Twisting words Twisting truth Shading the truth Half truths
Mistating facts Crafty questions Body language Slandering
Gossiping Prejudging Exaggerating Presumption
Insinuation Innuendo Surmising Silence
Flattering Quoting another Improper inference Assigning motive